Tuesday, March 25, 2008


-Image from Snopes
-Info from Wikipedia and links

While in the garden last weekend, I saw at least two rather evil looking insects in various beds. I thought the bugs were probably earwigs, and we all agreed that they looked particularly vicious and must be very destructive. As shown in the image here, they probably can crawl in your ears and eat your brain, or so we assumed.

Though we don't have to worry about brain-eating, they do, according to Harvard's Insect Fact Sheet and Wikipedia, pose a threat to seedling peas and beets, lettuce, and strawberries. So we may need to figure out some way to deter them from feasting on the fruits of our labor.

Some interesting earwiggy facts:
-they also eat other insects, which can be good for gardens
-females have straight pincers while males have more curved pincers
-they really like damp stuff
-some rare earwigs are blind and feed on giant rats in Africa (? this actually from Harvard's bug page..)
-their pincers, though formidable in appearance, cannot break human skin and so pose no stingy-bitey threat to humans

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